Just like a daydream, our delightful lavender bouquet is a gift that will linger on their mind. Hand-gathered with pops of pink and lush greenery, it arrives in our striking violet purple vase to capture its rich beauty, along with the thoughtfulness of your sentiment.
All-around arrangement with pink roses, lavender carnations, daisy poms and button poms, purple monte casino and stock; accented with assorted greenery
Artistically designed in our violet purple glass vase; measures 8"H
Extra large arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 14"W
Large arrangement measures approximately 15"H x 13"W
Medium arrangement measures approximately 14"H x 12"W
Small arrangement does not include stock; measures approximately 13"H x 10"W
Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability